Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Plea for Peace: Volume 2

"A Punk Rock Compilation Benefiting PFP"

That is the tag for this new Compilation through Asian Man Records for the Plea for Peace Foundation. It probably perfectly describes this 2 CD set as well. On the back it states "100% of the profits from this CD set will go to the Plea For Peace Foundation". With that statement and a 6 buck price tag at my local store it was a must for me and I'd tell anyone to check it out just because of that. But I'll go ahead and give it a review of how I felt about the music choices.

The first CD starts off with Chuck Ragan - For Broken Ears. It is a simple acoustic song; and I like that. I found it a good way to start off the album and the general idea of the song sets the mood for the rest of the compilation. The only complain I have for the track is the harmonica mixing. It just gets into bad areas of volume and such and sticks way too much out from the rest of the song.
After that we begin into the other tracks which are some good examples of todays punk scene. There are some good things and some bad things about that. The good things are: the songs are driving, the songs stick to that rebellion feeling, and most of them get you in a thinking mood. The bad things are: Some of the songs like some punk are over simplified and have the same lyrics being repeated far too much, and some of the songs just aren't well written (but not many). I think the only song I can not listen to on this CD is Cave In -Dead Already (Live). This hardcore/metal song is just well...awful. Its basically the same beat, same riffs, and same non distinguishable lyrics for yes 4 and a half mins; and when they do change it up it really drags. The Anti-Flag track after it isn't that great either; they just aren't the same band anymore. It has its moments but I've heard better from them.

I do enjoy the mix between the 2 cds between Punk and the very popular amongst the kiddies Folk stuff. It not only just brings in some good songs that really reflect what PFP is going for but it breaks up the album so the distorted and driving punk doesn't wear on your ears through 52 tracks. One thing I was kinda shocked to see was little to no Ska. I guess Mike was trying to stick to the albums tag line; or I feel to be more correct he didn't want this to be another Asian Man comp. Which is understandable; there are plenty of good Ska comps out anyway. There are a few Ska tracks though. If you want you can count the RX Bandits track but it isn't Ska it is one of their progressive songs. Then there is the No Torso track Fight the Blue Horizon. I love this band and this track. Their MMBT sound is catchy and well written. There is also a Big D track and actually the one Big D track I have ever really enjoyed. The stripped down Try Out Your Voice, is actually pretty cool and is in good tone with the comp.

The second CD is just like the first one. I wouldn't say it is any worse or any better. I do know I'm not a fan of the first two tracks (The Filthy Thieving Bastards track is just not so good and the Toys that Kill track is catchy but repetitive). I'm also not a fan of the Country Rock style (yep thats what I'm calling it) track by Drag the River. Its just not good to my ears; boring, bland and kind of annoying after a while. But there are plenty of good tracks to make up for those. The Briefs, Faint and Fading Out, Andrew Jackson Jihad, and no matter how much I don't wanna say it the NOFX track...just to name a few. I like how the CD ends with an Acoustic track by Mike Park. It keeps the consistency for the whole project and its a fun little song.

Ok so I got a request to just review the Jawbreaker track so I'm going to. If you don't care, skip this paragraph. Now I don't listen to a lot of Jawbreaker so I'm not gonna compare it to anything. But here is my dry review of the song itself. First thing you may notice is it is not the best quality or mix; but it is live so you gotta forgive it a little. It is a pretty mellow song but still drives a little and has some good playing in it; even more of a melodic song at times then your average punk band. The drumming is pretty good; he keeps the song on its toes and that is good. It is not just hi hat, snare and bass with a few fills. Only two real complaints from me would be the sound of the just doesn't do it for me sometimes and the solo at the end of the song while different and cool wear thin before the song ends. But I feel that if you are Jawbreaker fan you'll enjoy this song and it is a good addition to the album.

So there is the review of the PFP compilation. It is probably one of the best compilations I have heard in a long time. If not for a few songs that just really drug me down it is a solid listen through all 52 tracks and the fact that it is for charity and only cost 6 bucks it is damn near perfect.

Go buy it

(thats right no grade thats my final say)

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