Friday, January 25, 2008

What the hell happened here?

Yeah I know I fell off the face of the planet, and you probably didn't really care.
But the reasons are simple

1) I got way to busy to worry about this blog. I transferred Schools and started my Musical education all over again. Its been wonderful so far; learned more then I could of imagined! But it takes a lot of my time, as it should.

2) I'm tired of this whole scene. Not only am I tired of the local one but I'm tired of the global one. I'm tired of listening to people piss and moan to each other and I'm tired of the lack of actual community a community that does nothing but preach for such cooperation. The music has grown stale with bands churning out albums only to sound like a previous hit; try a new progression for crying out loud! Getting a show booked is more about politics then it is about trying to keep the music alive; only to watch that show fail horribly with the blame being put on anyone but who is to blame. In a community where people should do something for each other just out of love for the music, it seems like you have to beg and bargain to get just about anything.

This blog...I don't know, I have some plans but I'm not going to say what as who knows if I'll get busy with them or not.
If anything does happens it will not solely be a Ska music blog. Of course it will be about music but on a broad spectrum and will include art, rants, news and much more.

As for me I'm currently working on some small projects and trying to get some big ones going.
But mostly my education in Percussion is what I'm really busy with.

p.s. I forgot to mention! You can download my last acoustic album at Skaspot network.

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