Monday, June 4, 2007

One More Bullet by The Toasters

Again sorry for the lack of updates, been busy. But I'm gonna try and get things back on track!

On today's menu we have One More Bullet; the new Toasters album. It was just released in the last few weeks.

The album starts out sadly not very well. Their bassist and actual toaster of the band Jason begins the album by repeating the chorus of the first song (What a Gwan) without music. By time he is done and they go into the song you never wanna hear the chorus again. But it will be back, several more times. Lets ignore the fact that most people probably don't know what gwan means either. It apparently is stereotypical Jamaican lingo that blends many words together. In reality the song is asking "what is going on?". Which puts an odd new twist on the lyrics if you did not know that previously. Also this song last WAY too long, like 2 mins too long; it is just to repetative.
Their are several other lack luster things about this album as well (don't worry I'll get to the good). One main things that bugs me is that not only does Bucket sing less than on other albums of the past but when he does sing on this one, he doesn't seem to be trying or just doesn't care. Speaking of lyrics and vocals on the second track (Night Train to Moscow) they use distortion on the vocals to what I can only assume is to simulate a loud speaker. But this effect rarely works and it really doesn't here. A few of the songs lack energy when needed as well. Life in a Bubble for example seems to drag the energy as it moves along. Other songs like Bits and Pieces are just uncreative and don't have a very good sound to them, El Chapo is catchy and has well written melodies/horn lines and the like. But its gets old fast, drags its feet.
Like I said though there are good points as well. One thing I will give credit on is as you let yourself fall into the music so to speak it certianly is pleasing to the ear in general and is a good chilling album. But if you want something to get you in the mood to be active, probably not here. Alot of the songs have real good horn lines and well though out structures. Where is the Freedom is a good example, keeps it mixed up and thats good; solid Reggae while keeping a very bouncy and poppy feeling which this album needed more of. The horn line is uber catchy and you may find yourself humming it. The Run Rudy Run "redux" is good but it is only a remake of a previous song. The title song One More Bullet is a steady song and while it is catchy it is another example of one of the songs that could of used more energy behind it, just enough to give it some "oompf". One of the better songs is the instrumental song Step Up. It is very well written and smooth. Reminisent of some of their early works.

So this album in conclusion, is good but could of been better. The Toasters still have the talent but seem to have lost their edge and are having a hard time getting it back. There are too many songs that drag on between the good. It is a good listen and I want to but can't feel right to say this is anything better than average.


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