Wednesday, April 4, 2007

My Music: The First Update

Well as the second post in my blog I figured I should go ahead and post whats going on with my music.

A new album is on the way! The art has been just about all figured out and the linear notes as well. The final tracks are ready (12 total) too! I'll be sending off the stuff to labels this weekend hopefully. It will just simply be self titled.

The Single to go with it is ready too. This will be released on my own label K Dub Records. It will have an Alternate Cut of Shine On, Another Day; then two songs no one has heard under this project. This should be ready by my show for the St. Louis Ska revival!

A tour was/is in the works. The problem is the person that was suppose to go with me (I would like someone to help me find destinations, watch my equip/merch and just keep me company while driving several hours each day) has bailed. SO I don't know whats going yo happen right now...
I am currently looking for someone else to go with me. Anyone?

Soon I'll also be featured in a Podcast and I'll update about that when that happens.


1 comment:

Housewives? said...

Hey good to see someone else out there is still talking about ska. Keep it up!