Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bands You May Not Have Heard Of - Magic Goat

First off let me say I'm sorry about some of the terrible grammar and stuff in the last post. I promise to never type such a long review late at night spontaneously and without a spell checker. I'm too lazy to read that all again and try and catch each mistake so if you notice something really off tell me and I'll fix it!
So I've decided as another type of review I should offer is band reviews of up and coming bands or even bands that work hard and have been a round a while that you just may not know of. The first band to get this treatment is a band from Syracuse, New York called Magic Goat.
I heard of Magic Goat when the beautiful singer Anna sent me a email to ask for help to get a show in St. Louis this summer. The name and their personal description threw me for a minute but once I listened to the music I was impressed.
This is solid "third wave" right here and I could definitely see them gaining a good status in the coming years both maybe in and out the Ska scene. As you probably already guessed the band is fronted by female vocals via Anna, and its great; the tonality of her voice will capture your ears almost instantly. The guitar work is pretty solid I don't know if it would be considered anything special compared to other bands but it does whats its meant to do and its clean (always a plus). The bass work is solid as well going from booming rock bass to a walking line when needed adding that melodic flow that a lot of bands tend to forget about. The drums are tight and keep the tempo very well. A big thing to me is that they are never over played (a major problem for some bands); there isn't a cymbal crash on every down beat or just harsh playing in general. The drummer does what he is suppose to do, hold the band together and accent the band. Lastly we have the horn lines; which as well are good. Its a little odd of a combo (Alto and Tenor Sax and Trumpet) but you get the same balance of high and low just like any other horn section out there. The lines are creative and in tune (what more do you need?) and they never over play or muddy up the song.
As for a general sound after all that I described them as a blend of Save Ferris, Mealticket, and Dance Hall Crashers. Its good stuff and worth a listen; I haven't heard their whole album just the songs I've heard off myspace (seems they have taken one down since my last visit) but those songs are good enough to make me consider buying the album, to me that says a lot.

Check them out now! http://www.myspace.com/magicgoat


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.